ErgoPack Gas Powered Backpack Concrete Vibrator
The Wyco ErgoPack® is the only backpack vibrator on the market to offer an ergonomic design where the engine weight is properly supported by the operator’s hips. The ErgoPack improves overall job site productivity by delaying operator fatigue, discouraging injury-prone postures, and ultimately making a hard day's work just a little more comfortable.The Wyco backpack design provides for easy mobility around the jobsite and can allow one user to easily vibrate low to high slump concrete with up to a 2” head. A built in tachometer allows for quick reference of vibration speeds and allows users to take full advantage of the variable speed control to harness the most effective vibration for any mix. The Wyco Backpack is gear driven, rather than belt driven to eliminate the possibility of belt problems. Hardened steel gears further increase the durability of the unit.
• Honda 4 cycle engine with a heavy-duty clutch
• Lock-in and controlled speed feature with digital read-out
• Redesigned gears and bearings extend service life, making the ErgoPack® a truly professional tool
• Engine mount includes shear resistant isolators and a re-enforced base plate
• Quick Disconnect (QD) compatible with the Wyco Electric Motors
• Runs all heads up to speed
Product Specifications:
• Engine: Honda GXH50 4-stroke
• Power: 2.1 hp at 7000 rpm, 50cc
• Fuel Capacity: .81 qts (.77 liter) 45-60 minutes at full load
• Fuel: Unleaded 86 octane or higher
• Clutch: Heavy duty centrifugal type
• Head and Shaft Options: Can run 7ft-14ft flex shafts with 13/16 to 2” square head (2-1/2”) short round head