IDS 422 Multi Function Weight Indicator
Preprogramed with 10 different modes of operation to accommodate most of the basic scale applications. Keys for ZERO, TARE, GROSS/NET, UNITS, PRINT, CLEAR, ITEM, +, -,
Mode 0: Normal for basic gross or net weighing.
Mode 1: Keyboard Tare for keyboard entry of tare weight for net weight calculation.
Mode 2: Accumulate w/running total for gross or net weights and running total for job, lot, etc. Calculates G,T,N totals
Mode 3: Print Weight w/Subtotal & Total for job or lot subtotal. Totalize and clear at the end of the run.
Mode 4: Manual (Axle) Weigh Push the PRINT button to sequentially number and print a series of weighments. Push Total to print and clear the total and
sequence number.
Mode 5: Auto (Axle) Weigh Similar to Mode 4 except printing is automatic when motion stops. Traffic light control, trip level selection and delay times for control functions.
Mode 6: Auto Axle Weigh on Long Scales Scale is automatically tared after each weighment. Operation and controls as in Mode 5.
Mode 7: Peak Hold for display and print of the peak weight in gross or net mode.
Mode 8: Over/Under Checkweigh has (3) TTL outputs and (2) setpoints. Outputs for use with lights or alarms to indicate OVER, UNDER or BETWEEN setpoints.
Mode 9: Bulkweigh has a setpoint with remote start/stop option and fill control relay signal. Scale empty weight and draft weights are configurable. Use for multiple drafts with total and subtotal printing.
Canadian AM 5216
NTEP 96-133 III 10,000 div

IDS 410 Multi Function Weight Indicator
Preprogramed with 10 different modes of operation to accommodate most of the basic scale applications. Keys for ZERO, TARE, GROSS/NET, UNITS, PRINT, CLEAR, ITEM, +, -,
Mode 0: Normal for basic gross or net weighing.
Mode 1: Keyboard Tare for keyboard entry of tare weight for net weight calculation.
Mode 2: Accumulate w/running total for gross or net weights and running total for job, lot, etc. Calculates G,T,N totals
Mode 3: Print Weight w/Subtotal & Total for job or lot subtotal. Totalize and clear at the end of the run.
Mode 4: Manual (Axle) Weigh Push the PRINT button to sequentially number and print a series of weighments. Push Total to print and clear the total and
sequence number.
Mode 5: Auto (Axle) Weigh Similar to Mode 4 except printing is automatic when motion stops. Traffic light control, trip level selection and delay times for control functions.
Mode 6: Auto Axle Weigh on Long Scales Scale is automatically tared after each weighment. Operation and controls as in Mode 5.
Mode 7: Peak Hold for display and print of the peak weight in gross or net mode.
Mode 8: Over/Under Checkweigh has (3) TTL outputs and (2) setpoints. Outputs for use with lights or alarms to indicate OVER, UNDER or BETWEEN setpoints.
Mode 9: Bulkweigh has a setpoint with remote start/stop option and fill control relay signal. Scale empty weight and draft weights are configurable. Use for multiple drafts with total and subtotal printing.
Canadian AM 5216
NTEP 96-133 III 10,000 div

IDS 430 Weight Indicator
Preprogrammed with 8 different modes of operation to accommodate most of the basic scale applications. Keys for ZERO, TARE, GROSS/NET, UNITS, PRINT, CLEAR, ENTER, F1, F2, 0 - 9 keypad. Indicator lights for GROSS, NET, MOTION, ZERO, lb, kg.
Mode 0: Normal Basic gross or net mode weighing.
Mode 1: Fill to Setpoint Single setpoint fill with relay output control and weigh print.
Mode 2: Over/Under Checkweigh Provides (3) TTL outputs and (2) setpoints. Outputs for use with lights or alarms to indicate OVER, UNDER or BETWEEN setpoints.
Mode 3: Vehicle Weigh In/Out with totals Weigh In/Out program for up to 500 vehicles. Maintains running totals for each vehicle. Provides reporting functions.
Mode 4: Multi Container/Axle Auto Weighing Auto weighs and prints each weight placed on the scale. Each weight is sequentially numbered and accumulated.
The total can be printed manually or automatically. Provides traffic light control.
Mode 5: Auto Axle Weigh on Long Scales Same as mode 4 but previous axles are auto tared.
Mode 6: ID Tare, Print and Total Provides tare entry and recall by ID. Prints ID, sequence # and GTN weights. Keeps running totals by ID. Provides reporting functions.
Mode 7: Peak Hold Display or print the peak gross or net weight detected.
Canadian AM 5216 NTEP 96-133 III 10,000 div