Hydro-Mix VII
Hydronix's Hydro-Mix VII is a rugged, flush mounted microwave moisture measurement sensor for mixers, chutes and conveyors in process control environments. Designed by Hydronix to be installed in the turbulent environment of a mixer, the Hydro-Mix features integral signal processing and is easily connected to any control system. The sensor reads at 25 times per second which enables rapid response to changes in moisture content, including the determination of homogeneity.
Typically used to measure moisture in concrete mixing, the Hydro-Mix VII is also used successfully in other industries where it can be installed in a mixer, for example, grain processing and animal feed. The Hydro-Mix is fitted into the floor of a mixer or screw conveyor and takes measurements as the material flows over the ceramic head during processing.
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Hydro-Probe II
Hydronix's Hydro-Probe II (HP02) was the first moisture sensor to use the digital microwave moisture measurement technique. It has integral signal processing which provides a linear output (both digital and analogue) and it can easily be connected to any control system. Typical applications include sand, cement, concrete, asphalt and aggregates, but the Hydro-Probe II has also been successfully installed in processing plants for grain, cereal, animal feed and aqua feed.
Designed for use in processing plants which use bins (silos), chutes and conveyor or feed belts, the sensor is positioned into the flow of material. Measurements are taken 25 times per second as the material passes over or around the sensor head, meaning that the sensor can rapidly detect changes in moisture levels. Real time adjustments to the moisture content of the material can then be made during processing if required. This ensures that the manufacturer can continually produce a consistent, quality product and reduce costs by limiting the amount of wasted or spoilt materials.
The sensor can be installed in a variety of locations where there is a flow of material.

Hydro-Probe Oribiter
Hydronix's Hydro-Probe Orbiter is the world's first rotating digital microwave sensor designed specifically to measure moisture and temperature in the mixer. With a choice of mounting options for static, rotating pan and planetary mixers the sensing head slices easily through the mix providing accurate moisture measurement of the material in real time.
Originally supplied to the concrete industry, the Hydro-Probe Orbiter can also be mounted as a static sensor underneath a bin or above a belt conveyor and is therefore easily adaptable for use in other industries such as sand, aggregates, cereal, animal feed and fish meal.
The Hydro-Probe Orbiter comprises of 2 parts - the head unit which houses the electronics and connections and the sensing arm with a hard wearing ceramic head. Both the sensing arm and the head unit can be easily changed eliminating the need to replace the entire sensor. To extend the life of the Hydro-Probe Orbiter, the Orbiter should always be fitted with wear protection sleeves.
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