Stabiflex Beam Mounting Assembly (without Load Cell)
Scaime Model F60X single ended beam will mount in this assembly. Includes top and bottom mounting plates. Electrical ground strap connects the top and bottom plate. Overload stops for downward and upward forces. Ball and cup design limits side load and is self centering. Stainless steel. Add load cell from Beam section.

Heavy Duty Stainless Steel Ball and Socket Tank Mount Model TBSM
Ball and Socket Mounting assembly for single ended beams w/threaded load hole, TSBSS, NSB-SS, 65023-SS, 9123. The weighing vessel will be on a top mounting plate that has a ball and socket for alignment. The ball and socket has a threaded rod that screws into the load cell. Stainless steel. Add load cell from Beam section.
Note: Small Envelope 5,000lb cap
 Model TM-SC.jpg)
Beam Mounting Assembly (without Load Cell) Model TM-SC
Single ended beams, HBM Model SB3 or RTI Model SSB will mount in this assembly. The load from the hopper or tank will be transmitted to the bottom of a vertical tension bolt that hangs from the load hole. Spherical washers at top and bottom of tension bolt allow for self alignment of the vessel. Zinc plated steel. Add load cell from Beam section.

Tank Weighing Assembly Model TM59
This assembly will convert a single ended beam into a tank mount. Totalcomp Model TSB, Nikkei Model NSB, Sensortronics Model 65023 and RTI Model 5123 are used in 500 lb to 2,500 lb capacity. Totalcomp Model TB40 or TB41 and Sensortronics Model 60040 are used in 50 lb to 250 lb capacities. The hopper or tank will be mounted firmly to the top neoprene shock absorption pad. The steel base plate is bolted to the floor or suitable structure. Zinc plated steel. Optional Stainless Steel. Add load cell from Beam section.
Spherical Washer Beam Mounting Assembly (without Load Cell) TSWM
Spherical Washer Mounting assembly for single ended beams w/threaded load hole, TSB, NSB, 65023, 5123. The weighing vessel will be on a top mounting plate that is on spherical washers. There is 1/8" clearance for alignment of the top plate to the threaded rod that screws into the load cell. Zinc plated steel and stainless steel. Add load cell from Beam section.
Zinc Plated Steel:
• (SE) - Small Envelope 5,000 lb cap
• TSB-20K, NSB-20K, 65023-20K have 1-14 thread
• 5123-20K has 1-12 thread
Stainless Steel:
• (SE) - Small Envelope 5,000 lb cap
• TSB-20K-SS, NSB-20K-SS, 65023-20K-SS have 1-14 thread
• 9123-20K has 1-12 thread