5103 Revere Tank Beam Load Cell
3 mv/v, 0.03% nonlinearity, 700/700 ohm, 30 ft 4 cond cable, nickel plated steel. NTEP 86-039P IIIL M 10,000 div (B10)

65016 Sensortronics Tank Beam Load Cell
Welded hermetically sealed. 3 mv/v, 0.05% nonlinearity, 700 ohms, 25 ft 4 cond cable, stainless steel, IP68.

65016W-SS Sensortronics Tank Beam Load Cell
Beam only - 3 mv/v, 0.05% nonlinearity, 700 ohms, 25 ft 4 cond cable, stainless steel, IP67.
Mounting Assembly only - Mounting assembly is cast stainless steel. These mounts are cast.
Beam & Mounting Assembly - Welded covers over gauged area. 3 mv/v, 0.05% nonlinearity, 700 ohms, 25 ft 4 cond cable.Load cell is stainless steel. Mount is cast stainless steel, IP67

65016WH-SS Sensortronics Tank Beam Load Cell
Welded hermetically sealed. 3 mv/v, 0.05% nonlinearity, 700 ohms, 25 ft 4 cond cable, stainless steel, IP68. Part Number Capacity Weight Stock

65059 TWA Sensortronics Tank Beam Load Cell
Eliminates check rods, provides shock absorption for high impact loads. 3 mv/v, 0.1% accuracy, 350 ohms, 20 ft 4 cond cable, nickel plated steel load cell, zinc plated steel mount, neoprene shock mount, IP67.

70210 Artech Tank Beam Load Cell
3 mv/v, 0.03% nonlinearity, 700/700 ohm, 30ft 4 cond cable, electroless nickel/chrome plated steel. NTEP 87-094 A2 IIIL 10,000 div

9103 Revere Tank Beam Load Cell
3 mv/v, 0.1% combined, 860/700 ohm, 10 ft 4 cond cable 5K-20K, 30 ft 4 cond cable 30K- 60K, stainless steel. NTEP 99-153 M IIIL 10,000 div (B10)

EZ Mount I Revere Transducers Tank Beam Load Cell
Welded steel, stainless steel. 9103 Tank Beam not included.

GDE-SSW General Sensor Tank Beam Load Cell
Interchangeable with Sensortronics 65016-SS with welded herrmetic seal.
3mv/v, 0.03% nonlinearity, 700/700 ohm, 50 ft 4 cond cable, stainless steel, IP67.

GDE03 General Sensor Tank Beam Load Cell
Interchangeable with RTI Model 5103. 3 mv/v, 0.03% nonlinearity, 800/700 ohm, 50 ft 4 cond cable, nickel plated steel, IP67.

GDE16 General Sensor Tank Beam Load Cell
3 mv/v, 0.05% nonlinearity, 700 ohms, 25 ft 4 cond cable, nickel plated load cell, epoxy painted mount, IP67.
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NDE-SS Nikkei Double Ended Tank Beam Load Cell
Interchangeable with RTI Model 5103.
3 mv/v, 0.03% nonlinearity, 700/700 ohm, 20 ft 4 cond cable, stainless steel.

RLC Load Cell Only Revere Tank
Hermetically sealed stainless steel cell 2 mv/v, 0.02% combined error, 1115/1025 ohms, 3m 4 cond cable 250kg to 1t, 5m 4 cond cable 2t to 10t, stainless steel. NTEP 97-082 III M 5,000 div

RLC w/ Weighing Assembly Revere Tank Mount
Hermetically sealed stainless steel cell and stainless steel weighing assembly. Ring Torsion load cell 2 mv/v, 0.02% combined error, 1115/1025 ohms, 3m 4 cond cable 250kg to 1t, 5m 4 cond cable 2t to 10t, stainless steel.

RTM HBM Tank Beam Load Cell
All stainless steel construction, this tank mount assembly uses a hermetically sealed beam load cell with a blind load hole that has a flat loading surface. Expansion and contraction due to thermal changes and side load from external forces are handled with rocker pin mounting. After the side load has been removed the mount will recenter itself using the rocker pin. This mount is unequalled for repeatability. Overload and overlift protection. Integral lateral stops. 2 mv/v, 0.03% combined error, 350/350 ohms, 15 ft 4 cond cable, 30 ft on 10K, stainless steel load cell and mount.

T408 Totalcomp Tank Beam Load Cell
Low profile canister load cell is hermetically sealed, self checking and has integral mounting plates. This mount allows for thermal expansion and contraction. Also includes built in vibration dampening and a self aligning design. Nickel plated alloy steel or stainless steel construction. Built in leveling assembly for easy installation. Interchangeable with Beowulf model 408 Flexmaster
Alloy steel, nickel plated 2 mv/v, 0.05% nonlinearity, 1050/1000 ohms, 25 ft 6 cond cable, nickel plated steel load cell and mounting plates, IP67.

TCM and TC78 Totalcomp Tank Beam Load Cell
This tank mount assembly uses a hermetically sealed canister load cell with two attached mounting plates. The lower plate is rigidly mounted to the load cell and the top plate allows horizontal expansion but does not allow the top plate to separate from the load cell. 2 mv/v, 0.05% nonlinearity, 350/350 ohms, 30 ft 4 cond cable, stainless steel load cell and mounting plates, IP67.

TDE03 Totalcomp Tank Beam Load Cell
Interchangeable with RTI Model 5103. 3 mv/v, 0.03% nonlinearity, 700/700 ohm, 30 ft 4 cond cable, nickel plated steel, IP67.

TM16 and TDE16 Totalcomp Tank Beam Load Cell
Tank Mount Assembly only - Welded steel, stainless steel. Suitable for food, medical and pharmaceutical applications.
Beam only - Interchangeable with Sensortronics Model 65016. 3 mv/v, 0.03% nonlinearity, 700/700 ohm, 25 ft 4 cond cable, nickel plated steel, IP67.

TTM Totalcomp Tank Beam Load Cell
All stainless steel construction, this tank mount assembly uses a hermetically sealed beam load cell with a blind load hole that has a flat loading surface. Expansion and contraction due to thermal changes and side load from external forces are handled with rocker pin mounting. After the side load has been removed the mount will recenter itself using the rocker pin. This mount is unequalled for repeatability. Overload and overlift protection. Integral lateral stops. 2 mv/v, 0.03% combined error, 350/350 ohms, 15 ft 4 cond cable, stainless steel load cell and mount, IP67.