20210 Artech S Type Load Cell
3 mv/v, 0.03% nonlinearity, 380/350 ohm, 20 ft 4 cond cable, chrome plated steel. NTEP 87-057A3 S III 5,000 div & IIIL 10,000 div.

263D Revere Transducers S Type Load Cell
3 mv/v, 0.05% nonlinearity, 350/350 ohm, 10 ft 4 cond cable, nickel plated steel.

363 Revere Transducers S Type Load Cell
3 mv/v, 0.03% nonlinearity, 350/350 ohm, 20 ft 4 cond cable, nickel plated steel. 100 lb thru 10,000 lb are NTEP. NTEP 87-063 S IIIL 10,000 div (B10)
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60001 Sensortronics S Type Load Cell
3 mv/v, 0.03% nonlinearity, 350/350 ohms, 20 ft 4 cond cable, nickel plated steel, IP67. NTEP 86-043 S/M III 5,000 div & IIIL 10,000 div.

60036 Sensortronics S Type Load Cell
3 mv/v, 0.03% nonlinearity, 350/350 ohms, 20 ft 4 cond cable, nickel plated steel, IP67.

60050 Sensortronics S Type Load Cell
3 mv/v, 0.03 nonlinearity, 350/350 ohms, 20 ft 4 cond cable, stainless steel, IP67.

60063 Sensortronics S Type Load Cell
Welded hermetic seal. Physically interchangeable with Sensortronics Model 60001/60050. 2 mv/v, 0.03% nonlinearity, 349-450/349-355 ohms, 20 ft 4 cond cable, stainless steel, IP68. NTEP 98-019 III S+M 5,000 div, IIIL S+M 10,000 div 500 to 5,000 lb

620 Tedea Huntleigh S Type Load Cell
Ultimate protection for hostile weighing environment. All welded hermetic sealing and stainless steel construction while maintaining high accuracy. Polyurethane dual shielded cable. 2 mv/v, 0.03% total error, 400/350 ohm, 5m 6 cond cable, stainless steel, IP68. NTEP 95-130A1 III S 3,000 div & M 5,000 div

9363 Revere Transducers S Type Load Cell
3 mv/v, 0.03% nonlinearity, 350/350 ohm, 20 ft 4 cond cable, stainless steel. 100 lb thru 10,000 lb are NTEP. NTEP 87-051 S IIIL 10,000 div (B10)
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BSP Revere Transducers S Type Load Cell
Both tension and compression loads, hermetically sealed. 3 mv/v for 100 lb to 2,500 lb, 2 mv/v for 5K & 10K, 0.03% nonlinearity, 350/350 ohms, 30 ft 4 cond cable, stainless steel. 100 lb thru 5,000 lb are available in NTEP. NTEP 88-089 S/M IIIL 10,000 div (100 lb - 5K)

CB Group Four S Type Load Cell
Interchangeable with RTI Model 263D. Stainless steel beam. Arms are nickel plated steel.
3 mv/v, 0.05% nonlinearity, 450/350 ohm, 11 ft 4 cond cable, stainless steel, IP67.

DS Diamond S Type Load Cell
Bi-directional for both tension & compression loads.
3 mv/v, 0.03% nonlinearity, 385/350 ohm, 20 ft 4 cond cable, alloy steel, IP67.

DS-SS Diamond S Type Load Cell
Bi-directional for both tension & compression loads.
3 mv/v, 0.03% nonlinearity, 385/350 ohm, 20 ft 4 cond cable, stainless steel, IP67.

GS General Sensor S Type Load Cell
These economical tension load cells are intended for commercial use and also industrial process control 3 mv/v, 0.02% nonlinearity, 380/350 ohm, 20 ft 4 cond cable, nickel plated steel, IP67. NTEP 97-022 III, 3,000 div & IIIL, 10,000 div (50 lb to 1,500 lb)

GS-SS General Sensor S Type Load Cell
Bi-directional for both tension & compression loads.
These economical cells are intended for non commercial use such as industrial process control.
2 mv/v, 0.02% nonlinearity, 400/350 ohm, 20 ft 4 cond cable, stainless steel, IP67.

ITCM Single Module
Standard Features:
• Capacities (per module): 100-20,000 lb (45.4-9071.1 kg)
• Clevis mounts with nylon insulating washers
• PTFE lined rod end ball joints
• Load cell is completely isolated from stray currents (excluding 20,000 lb capacity)
• Grounding strap provides alternative path to ground
• Complete package for ease of installations
• Provides correct load cell loading even in difficult installations
• Lower overall height compared to other isolated tension assemblies
Complete Kit Includes:
• 1 JB4SS NEMA 4X stainless steel signal-trim junction box
• 3 or 4 ITCM assemblies with RL20000 NTEP-certified S-Beam load cells
• 25' of Hostile Environment EL147HE SURVIVOR® load cell cable

NS Nikkei S Type Load Cell
Bi-directional for both tension & compression loads. 3 mv/v, 0.03% nonlinearity, 380/350 ohm, 20 ft 4 cond cable, nickel plated steel, IP67. NTEP 99-126 S/M III 5,000 div & IIIL 10,000 div.

NS-SS Nikkei S Type Load Cell
Bi-directional for both tension & compression loads. 3 mv/v, 0.03% nonlinearity, 380/350 ohm, 20 ft 4 cond cable, stainless steel, IP67.

PA6110 CNcell S Type Load Cell
3mv/v, 0.03% nonlinearity, 385/350 ohms, 20 ft 4 cond cable, nickel plated steel, IP68 NTEP 06-080 Class III 5,000 div.

PA6210 CNcell S Type Load Cell
3 mv/v, 0.03% nonlinearity, 385/350 ohms, 20ft 4 cond cable, stainless steel, IP67 NTEP 06-080 Class III 5,000 div.
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RL20000 S-Beam, Alloy Steel
Ideally suited for scale conversions and general-purpose weighing. Compact and rugged design. Capacities from 25 to 20,000 lb (11.3 to 9071.9 kg). Complete with 20'/6.1 m of load cell cable and NTEP approved.
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RL20000 SS S-Beam, Stainless Steel
For the very first time, we are offering the RL20000 SS with NTEP certification. This upgraded version is immediately available from stock, and is ideal for all of your tension applications. Whether it is a suspended application or mechanical scale conversion, this model provides the additional protection necessary in wet, corrosive environments. Available in capacities ranging from 100 to 10,000 lb (22.7 to 4535.9 kg). Non NTEP in 50 lb.
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RL20000 ST S-Beam, Stainless Steel
For suspended applications or mechanical scale conversion, this model provides protection needed in damp or dry, corrosive environments. With expanded NTEP certified capacities from 50 to 20,000 lb (22.7 to 9071.9 kg), it's similar to the RL20000 SS.
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RL20001 HE S-Beam, Stainless Steel
The RL20001 HE is a full stainless, welded seal S-Beam available in capacities ranging from 500 to 20,000 (226.8 to 9071.9 kg). This model is featured in our ITCM HE products, and is ideal for the harshest tension mounting applications. NTEP approval from 500 to 5000 lbs.
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RL20001 S-Beam, Alloy Steel
Ideally suited for scale conversions, tension applications and general-purpose weighing. Compact and rugged design. Capacities from 250 to 20,000 lb (113.4 to 9071.9 kg). Complete with 20'/6.1 m of load cell cable.
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RSC HBM S Type Load Cell
2 mv/v, 0.03% combined error, 385/350 ohm, 25 ft 4 cond cable, stainless steel. FM Approved. NTEP 91-031 S/M III 3,000 div.

S35 HBM S Type Load Cell
FM Approved. 3 mv/v, 0.03% combined error, 350/350 ohm, 20 ft 4 cond cable, stainless steel, IP66. NTEP 97-142 III S 3,000 div & IIIL S 10,000 div

SB Group Four S Type Load Cell
3 mv/v, 0.05% combined error, 350/350 ohm, 20 ft 4 cond cable, aluminum, IP67.
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SBA CAS S Type Load Cell
3 mv/v, 0.03% combined error, 400/350 ohm, 20 ft 4 cond cable, nickel plated steel, IP65 NTEP 96-073, III, 5,000 div, 25 lb - 20,000 lb

TD-S Totalcomp S Type Load Cell
Digital output using ALCP (Advanced Load Cell Protocol). Fast RS485 communication. Bidirectional for both tension & compression loads. Address 01 to FF(Hex)(255 max addresses). Averaging 1 to 30,000 samples. Linearity and temperature compensated. 400,000 count output, 12VDC 125ma input, 20 ft 2 twisted pair cable, nickel plated steel, IP67. NTEP 97-101 S/M III & IIIL 10,000 div 200 lb thru 20,000 lb

TS Totalcomp S Type Load Cell
Bi-directional for both tension & compression loads. 3 mv/v, 0.03% nonlinearity, 380/350 ohm, 20 ft 4 cond cable, nickel plated steel, IP67. NTEP 93-028 S/M III 3,000 div & IIIL 10,000 div

TS2 Totalcomp S Type Load Cell
2 mv/v, 0.03% combined error, 385/350 ohm, 25 ft 4 cond cable, stainless steel.

TS-SS Totalcomp S Type Load Cell
Bi-directional for both tension & compression loads. 3 mv/v, 0.03% nonlinearity, 380/350 ohm, 20 ft 4 cond cable, stainless steel, IP67. NTEP 93-015 S/M III 3,000 div & IIIL 10,000 div (100 lb to 10,000 lb).

UB1 Flintec S Type Load Cell
Total stainless steel construction. Complete welded hermetic sealing. 2 mv/v, 0.04% combined error, 1106/1000 ohm, 20 ft 4 cond cable, stainless steel, IP68. OIML R 60

UB6 Flintec S Type Load Cell
Total stainless steel construction. Complete welded hermetic sealing. 2 mv/v, 0.04% combined error, 1106/1000 ohm, 20 ft 4 cond cable, stainless steel, IP68. OIML R 60