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The SHT-120 works in applications with high process temperatures up to 482° F (250° C.). The SHT-120 is our standard unit with an insertion length of 7.24". A 2.6" temperature lag tube is standard to lag the electronics away from heat source or to clear external insulation.

A set of remote electronics is available for the SHT-120 series Vibrating Rod includes enclosure with mounting plate, terminal PCS and up to 20 ft. of cable to connect remote electronics.

20 to 250V AC/DC, Vibrating Rod Sensor with 7.37" insertion length, high temp probe assembly maximum process temperature 480° F (250° C)

To order Vibrating Rod Options select the SHT-120 Vibrating Rod Sensor part number and add the Options Order Code at the end of the part number. Example : A 730-5047-REM would be a SHT-12Q with Remote Electronics.

Unit of Measure



N/A SHT-120


N/A 20 to 250 VAC


N/A 250 ºC480 ºF


N/A BinMaster