VIBCO is the originator of Silent Turbine Vibrator technology and manufactures a complete line of turbine vibrators for industrial and construction use. VIBCO's Silent Turbine Vibrators are an ideal solution. They save air, are more efficient, don't require lubrication, and have virtually silent operation. A turbine vibrator will typically outlast a ball vibrator 3 to 1. With foolproof operation and low noise, Silent Turbine Vibrators have quickly become the specified and standard units for many industries. Some typical applications include parts feeding, batchers, hoppers, chutes, packaging, foundry match-plates, shake-outs and sand hoppers, screens, and wherever parts or material hangs.


(A) Inch

N/A 4

(C) Inch

N/A 3/8

(L) Inch

N/A 1-7/8

(W) Inch

N/A 4-7/8

(H) Inch

N/A 2-5/8

(F) Inch

N/A 5/8

(G) Inch

N/A 1-7/16

(R) Inch

N/A 7/8

Inlet NPT

N/A 1/8

Outlet NPT

N/A 1/4

Weight lbs.

N/A 0.76

Frequency at 60 psi

N/A 10500 vpm

Air Consumption at 60 psi

N/A 5.5 cfm


N/A 75 lbs


N/A 67 dB

Max lbs. Material in Bin

N/A 750 lbs


N/A Vibco