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Single-column, environmentally-protected design provides low deflection and trouble-free operation. High-alloy steel, epoxy-coated construction yields trouble-free performance in harsh environments. Designed for high-capacity tension applications. Capacities of 20,000 and 50,000 lb (9071.9 and 22,679.6 kg). Integral 35'/10.7 m cable.

T2P1 Tension Canister

Item #

Load Rating

Full Scale Output

Output Resistance

Input Resistance


Seal Type

17660 N/A 20,000 lbs. N/A 2.0mV/V N/A 350 ohms +/- 3.5 N/A 350 ohms +/- 3.5 N/A High-alloy steel, epoxy coated N/A Environmentally sealed, IP67
17661 N/A 50,000 lbs. N/A 2.0mV/V N/A 350 ohms +/- 3.5 N/A 350 ohms +/- 3.5 N/A High-alloy steel, epoxy coated N/A Environmentally sealed, IP67