VIBCO's Big Bertha Dumpbody vibrators produce powerful vibration on the dumpbody removing even the toughest, stickiest material fast - increasing runs/day and revenues. These vibrators reduce clean out time with no residue left in the body eliminating cross contamination of products and inspection fines. The Big Berthas allow you to dump at lower angles improving safety by reducing roll-over risk and increasing productivity on height restricted sites.
Item # |
Item Name |
DC-3500L-24V | N/A Electric Rotary DC Vibrator |
DC-3500S | N/A Electric Rotary DC Vibrator |
DC-3500SC | N/A Electric Rotary DC Vibrator |
DC-3500SL | N/A Electric Rotary DC Vibrator |
DC-3500SS-2700 | N/A Electric Rotary DC Vibrator |
DC-3500T | N/A Electric Rotary DC Vibrator |