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Preprogramed with 10 different modes of operation to accommodate most of the basic scale applications. Keys for ZERO, TARE, GROSS/NET, UNITS, PRINT, CLEAR, ITEM, +, -,

Mode 0: Normal for basic gross or net weighing.

Mode 1: Keyboard Tare
for keyboard entry of tare weight for net weight calculation.

Mode 2: Accumulate w/running total
for gross or net weights and running total for job, lot, etc. Calculates G,T,N totals

Mode 3: Print Weight w/Subtotal & Total
for job or lot subtotal. Totalize and clear at the end of the run.

Mode 4: Manual (Axle) Weigh
Push the PRINT button to sequentially number and print a series of weighments. Push Total to print and clear the total and
sequence number.

Mode 5: Auto (Axle) Weigh
Similar to Mode 4 except printing is automatic when motion stops. Traffic light control, trip level selection and delay times for control functions.

Mode 6: Auto Axle Weigh on Long Scales
Scale is automatically tared after each weighment. Operation and controls as in Mode 5.

Mode 7: Peak Hold
for display and print of the peak weight in gross or net mode.

Mode 8: Over/Under Checkweigh
has (3) TTL outputs and (2) setpoints. Outputs for use with lights or alarms to indicate OVER, UNDER or BETWEEN setpoints.

Mode 9: Bulkweigh
has a setpoint with remote start/stop option and fill control relay signal. Scale empty weight and draft weights are configurable. Use for multiple drafts with total and subtotal printing.

Canadian AM 5216

NTEP 96-133 III 10,000 div

IDS 410 and 422 indicator image