Hydraulic Breathers
•Strong carbon steel construction offers strength while plastic models easily snaps off
•Simple threaded connection saves on labor costs involved with special tapping into reservoir
•Twist turret top design allows for speedy element change out
•Funnel base configuration provides for easiser cleaning filling
•Various connection sizes and media to choose from
•Durable polyester media element provides maximum efficiency and surface area
•Low entry velocity air gap between base and cover
•Durable heavy gauge base with low pressure drop bracket and pipe design
•All F Series models available in stainless steel
•Ash Handling
•Dock Controls
•Envelope Manufacturing
•Plastic Injection Machinery
•Paper & Pulp
•Industrial & Mobile Hydraulics
•Various media available
•Coalescing Media with 99.97% removal efficiency at 0.3 microns
•Preseparator demister stage (For severe applications)
•Polyester - 1, 4, 25 & 100 micron