Check out our full line of electric, manual, and pneumatic actuators for opening and closing butterfly valves, slide valves, etc. Used by our Concrete, Wastewater, Power, Food, Chemical, and our many other processing industries customers, these products help keep things moving. /Asset/Bray Series 92 Pneumatic Actuator.png

Check out our full line of aerators, aeration blowers, and related products for silos, bins, hoppers, chutes, rail tankers, road tankers, truck hoppers, etc. Aeration products are used by our customers who store and move cement, fly ash, flour, lime, feed, pigments, chemicals, many other types of dry bulk materials. Jamieson Equipment is the Complete Solution for our Concrete, Food, Quarry, Agriculture, Chemical, and many other processing industries customers. /Asset/CW aeration blower image.jpg
Air Cylinders, Air Valves
Check out our full line of Air Cylinders, Air Dryers, Eliminizers, Coalescers, Oil Extractors, Air Line Lubricant, KILFROST Anti-Freeze Air Line Lubricant, Filters, Regulators, and Lubricators, Solenoid Valves, Soft Start Valves, Quick Dump Valves, Quick Exhaust Valves, Lockout Valves, Pressure Switches, and Exhaust Mufflers. Jamieson Equipment Company works with a wide variety of customers who use compressed air: heavy shop or industrial users like automotive service and body shops, fleet maintenance, machine shops, processing, production, and manufacturing companies, wood working and cabinet shops, dry cleaners, car washes, maintenance and repair shops, farms and many more.

Check out our full line of Bearings: Spherical and Tapered Roller Bearings, Mounted Bearing Units, Pillow Blocks, Corrosion Protection Bearing Units, Air Movement Bearing Units, Free Spinning Bearings, High Temperature Bearings designed to operate in temperatures up to 450 °F, Sealed Bearings, Heavy Duty Pillow Blocks, and Takeups. /Asset/AMI Pillow block image.jpg

Bulk Bag Handling Equipment
Handle Bulk Bags aka Big Bags, Super Sacks, or Flexible Intermediate Bulk Containers (FIBCs), with our Bulk Bag Handling Equipment. Frames vary in size, material, mobility, and height adjustment and can be connected to valves, pneumatic conveying systems, feeders, etc. Move filled bags via forklift, overhead crane, or monorail/hoist. Great for a wide variety of powder and granular materials like cement, mortar, grout, stucco, pigment and for our brewery customers who handle hops and barley. /Asset/WAM SBB FIBC discharger.jpg

Compressed Air Treatment
We offer a full line of Compressed Air Treatment products including Air Dryers, Air Line Lubricants, KILFROST Anti-freeze Air Line Lubricant, Filters, Regulators and Lubricators, Refrigerated Dryers, and Desiccant Dryers.

Concrete Batch Plants
We offer a variety of concrete batch plant designs including domestic plants and plants imported from Europe. Among these plant designs are central and transit mix concrete plants, mobile plants, horizontal and tower-type concrete plants with Italian high intensity mixers, highly mobile specialty plants for Roller Compacted Concrete, Soil Cement Stabilization and Soil Remediation, onsite plants and even the kind that you can tow behind a truck. /Asset/Stephens Mfg Empire Plant.jpg

Concrete Mixers
From Bird Baths to Runways, when it comes to mixing concrete, we’ve got you covered! Our team of mixer experts will determine your needs and specify the right mixer for the job. We take the time required to assess your particular needs based upon the product, load size, production requirements, mix design, space available, and concrete delivery system provided. We customize the mixer solution that meets your budget as well as provide the concrete producer with a custom engineered retrofit or a new batch plant to meet their specific requirements. /Asset/Twin Shaft Mixers.jpg

Conveyors and Conveyor Products
We offer Tubular Frame Truss Conveyors, Channel Frame Conveyors, Aerial Conveyors, Conveyors with variable lengths, Track Mounted Stackers, Transfer Conveyors, Groundline Conveyors, Radial Stackers, Telescoping Radial Stackers, Portable Conveyors, Stackable Conveyors, and Tunnel Reclaim Conveyors. And to keep your conveyors running smoothly and safely, we offer a full complement of component parts and accessories including Conveyor Belt Scales, Liner Material, Conveyor Belt Cleaners, Conveyor Belt Hoods and Covers, Conveyor Belting, Conveyor Controls, Conveyor Feed Systems, Conveyor Safety Controls, Motors, Gear Reducers, Conveyor Belt and Return Roll Guards, Hoppers and Feeders, Idlers and Return Rolls, Impact Beds, Industrial Ladders & Safety Gates, Material Flow and Speed Switches, Pulleys and Conveyor Take-ups, Temperature Sensors, Auto Greaser, Bearings, Clamp Down Rails, and Holdbacks. /Asset/Conveyor products main image.png

Cranes & Winches
We offer spur gear hand winches, worm gear hand winches, air winches, portable power winches, heavy duty power winches, winches for railcar pulling, barge loading, and conveyor tensioning, portable davit cranes, transportable davit cranes, portable aluminum cranes, floor cranes, stationary davit cranes, and roof-mounted davit cranes for buildings and silos. We also offer customized solutions specific to your project like equipment modifications and special finishes for extra protection in harsh and hazardous environments as well as a wide variety of accessories, components, and other options like rolling bases for portable cranes, wire rope assemblies, and speed and other controls options. /Asset/Thern 3 Ton Power Winch.jpg

Dust Control Systems and Components
Check out our full line of high performance, user-friendly central dust collectors, silo dust collectors, and mobile dust collectors for cement, fly ash, lime, and other applications. We also offer an extensive inventory of ducting, door parts, pulse jet cleaning accessories, replacement cartridges and bags, blower systems and components, gauges, hoses, and fittings, ladders, platforms, handrails, and other component parts and accessories. /Asset/C&W Cartridge Pulse Central Dust Collector.jpg

Electric Motors, Motor Controls and Gear Reducers
We offer a wide variety of general purpose premium efficiency electric motors and IEEE-841 electric motors with TEFC (Totally Enclosed Fan Cooled) enclosures, severe duty large frame electric motors, and premium efficiency explosion proof electric motors with TEXP (Totally Enclosed Explosion Proof) enclosures. We also offer shaft mount gear reducers and worm gear reducers, motor mounts, motor controls, temperature sensors, and other components, accessories, and options for your operation’s unique needs and environment.

Environmental Products
Jamieson Equipment Company offers Reclaimers for concrete applications, Dust Collector Systems for cement, fly ash, lime, etc., slurry solidification and stabilization products, and Liquid/Solid Separation Equipment for concrete, printing, food & dairy, grease & septic, metal finishing, paint & coatings. /Asset/Stephens Reclaimer.jpg

Filter Cartridges, Filter Silencers and Filter Elements
We offer Air Intake Filters, Inlet Vacuum Pump Filters, Inline Air Filters, Filter Silencers, Inlet Filter Silencers for Blowers and Compressors, Rotary Blower Silencers, Filter Elements, Coalescing Air/Oil Separator Elements, Oil Mist Eliminators for Vacuum and Power Generators or any of the filter parts and accessories. /Asset/fssmallfamily-2.jpg

Hose & Fittings
We offer a wide variety of hoses including air and water hose, hot air blower hose, cement discharge hose, material handling hose, water discharge hose, and water suction hose, fittings, cam and groove couplers, elbows, hose barb fittings, pipe nipples, push to connect fittings, reducers, tees, plugs, and accessories. /Asset/Anderson AQ69P.jpg

Level Indication
• Continuous Level Indication via BinMaster® SmartBob, 3DLevelScanner, RL Acoustic Level Scanner, Guided Wave Radar, Smartwave Pulse Radar Level Transmitter, and Ultrasonic Level Transmitter
• Point Level Indication via BinMaster® Capacitance Probes, Diaphragm Switch Level Indicator, Rotary Level Indicator, Vibrating Rod
• Tilt Level Indicators and Flow and Dust Detection also available
• Level indication equipment suitable for Pellets, Granulars, Powders and Most Other Bulk Solids – serving a variety of industries and applications including Grain, Seed & Feed; Chemical Processing; Aggregates & Cement; Food Processing; Bioenergy; Pulp & Paper; Petrochemicals; Plastics Manufacturing; Power Plants; Mining Operations; water/wastewater and more.

Liner Material
Jamieson Equipment Company offers Mixer blade liners, Wrap around blade liners, Modular liners, Polyurethane sheets and Polyurethane rolls for many industrial applications including; agriculture, aggregate, mining, material handling, concrete, power, pulp and paper, power, utility and manufacturing. Typical applications include conveyor belt cleaners, skirting systems, distributor and launder liners, chute, bin and hopper liners, impact- and abrasion-resistant plates, salt, sand and chemical spreaders, down hold plugs and discharge sleeves, pipe, fitting and valve liners, vibration pads, seals and gaskets, chain and cable guides, blasting curtains and screens, snowplow blades, shoes and deflectors, truck bed liners, wheel chocks and crossover pads.

Machine and Hazard Monitoring
Check out our full line of shaft speed switches, shaft speed sensors, shaft speed pulse generators, temperature sensors, bearing sensors and belt alignment hazard monitors, hazard monitors, tachometers, counters and displays, slide gate and angle position monitors, signal conditioners and vibration and tilt monitors. These products are for many industries including; grain, feed and milling, ethanol processing, biofuels processing, wastewater processing, general manufacturing, bulk materials handling, mining, packaging, water utilities, food processing, power generation and textile production. These products can be installed in a wide variety of applications including; belt conveyors, screw conveyors, vibratory conveyors, slide gates, bucket elevators, fans, blowers, pumps, hammermills, turbines, rotary airlocks, dryers and crushers. /Asset/m100_miniss.jpg

Moisture Sensors and Controls
Jamieson Equipment Company offers moisture sensors, water control systems, and moisture display systems including; DeltaWave Moisture System, Hydro-Control VI, Hydro-View IV, Hydro-Mix VII, Hydro-Probe II and the Hydro-Probe Orbiter. Moisture measurement sensors and controls are used across a wide range of applications where moisture levels are critical to the consistency and quality of the finished product, such as animal feed, grain, biomass and other organic materials. These moisture systems and controls can be installed in mixers, chutes, conveyors and bins.

Overhead Distribution Systems
Jamieson Equipment Company offers a wide variety of overhead distribution systems including; concrete receiving hoppers, monorail flying buckets, rollover flying buckets, swiveling delivery belts, twin horizontal rail flying buckets and vertical rail flying buckets. /Asset/Vertical rail flying bucket image.jpg

Plant Automation
Jamieson Equipment Company offers batch automation systems, dispatch software and moisture meters for the asphalt, concrete and aggregate industries. These products include: Camera ID Module, Enterprise Information Server, Generation3 Asphalt Batching, Silo Loadout and Truck Scale Ticketing System, PlantWise Drum Mix Control System, Remote Printer Terminals, Compumat Batch Control System, Libra Central and Local Dispatch System, QuickFiller IV Material Handling System, Scorpion Dispatch System and Scorpion Ready Mix Batch Control System.

Safety Gates, Cages, Ladders & Platforms
We offer ladders and work platforms for use where safe climbing, crossing, and working is required. With a variety of options including custom finishes, hand rails, steps, and rungs, OSHA design safety cages, security gates and ladder guards, safety chain, etc., we have a ladder or work platform to fit your needs! We offer Welded Steel Dock Ladders, Fixed Steel Ladders, Heavy Duty Crossover Bridges, Portable Crossover Platforms, Standoff Landing Platforms, Overhead Work Platforms for Forklifts, Portable Push-around Lift Work Platforms / Manual Winch Elevating Work Platforms, and Portable Electro/Hydraulic Elevating Ground Entry Work Platforms. /Asset/Cotterman Workmaster Platforms.jpg
Scales, Load Cells and Digital Weighing Indicators
We offer a wide variety of load cells which are an essential component of hanging scales, cement scales, aggregate scales, belt scales, truck scales, railroad track scales, and many other weighing systems. Our products include Belt Scales, Truck Scales, and Scale Kits; Strain Gauge Load Cells including Beam Load Cells, S-Beam (S-Type) Load Cells, Double-ended Beam Load Cells, Single-Ended Beam Load Cells, Canister Load Cells, Tank Beam Load Cells, Truck Beam Load Cells, Compression Cells, Heavy Capacity Shear Beam Cells, Low to Mid Capacity Shear Beam Cells, Single Point Cells, Stainless Steel Single Point Cells, Bellows Type Cells, Tension Cells; Digital Weighing Indicators and Remote Displays; Cable Parts including Connector Cables, Splicing Kits, and Conductor Cables; Junction Boxes and Hardware including Signal Trim Summing Junction Boxes, Compact Summing Junction Boxes, General Sensor Compact Summing Junction Boxes, Excitation Trim Junction Box, Strain Relief Junction Box, Conduit Adaptor, Corrosion Proof Strain Reliefs, Summing Card for Floor Scales, and Surge Protection; Remote Displays including Digital, high intensity LED, harsh environment enclosures, and multiple configuration options; Mounting Assemblies and other Accessories. /Asset/Model 225.jpg

Screeners, Feeders & Vibratory Conveying Equipment
We offer a wide variety of rotary and vibratory screeners, shakers, separators, sifters, feeders, and vibratory conveying equipment for our customers in aggregates, asphalt, cement, chemical and pharmaceutical processing, feed processing, food processing, milling, mining, recycling, and other bulk material handling industries.

Screw Conveyors and Feeders
From its first known application by the Greek inventor and mathematician Archimedes in about 240 B.C. to its application in a wide variety of industries today, the screw conveyor has a more than 2000 year history of being one of the simplest, most efficient means of conveying bulk materials. And, with certain modifications, the screw conveyor can do more than move materials, it can also be designed to mix, blend, agitate, meter, heat, cool, and/or protect materials.
We offer Tubular Screw Conveyors, Trough Screw Conveyors, Shaftless Screw (Spiral) Conveyors, Vertical Screw Conveyors, Screw Feeders, and Industry Specific Screw Conveyors and Feeders like the Minimum Residue Tubular Screw Feeder, Cement Screw Feeders, Volumetric Cement Screw Feeders, Mobile Cement Augers, Trough Screw Conveyors for Flour Mills, MU Live Bin Bottoms and Filler Dust Screw Feeders and Conveyors.

Silo Saver Systems
The costs of overfilling silos are lost production time, damaged equipment and significant air pollution. The Silo Anti-Overfill System will help avoid serious injury and damage to your silo. The Silo Anti-Overfill System works with an existing bin level indicator like a rotary paddle bin level indicator that monitors material level and signals when silo is full. The Rotary Paddle Bin Level Indicators may be mounted on the top or side of a silo or bin and alerts operators when bins are full without the rigors and risks associated with climbing and continuously checking bins levels. When material is not in contact with the paddle, the paddle rotates freely. When the paddle comes into contact with dry bulk material, the paddle stops rotating and sends a signal – normally through the use of a horn or light – to alert that the bin is full. When the silo is full, an overfill light and horn are activated and pinch valves shut lines down after a preset time. The key component of a protection system is the use of Pinch Valves that are activated to close when a problem is detected. This shuts off the flow of materials to avoid damage and accidents from occurring while not interfering with the flow of normal operations. The Silo Saver System combines the Silo Anti-Overfill System, Over Pressure Sensor, and Broken Media Filter Sensor to give the highest level of protection available to your silos and dust collectors.

Silos & Silo Components
We offer a wide variety of Portable Silos including traditional barrel Silos that lay down during transport as well as Low Profile Cement Silos. Towing many of the mobile cement silos at highway speeds can be done easily with a one-ton pickup. We also offer Stationary Silos including cement batching stationary silos and double wall split stationary silos in 50/50 and 33/66 configurations. Some of our related silo systems and components include Batch Control Systems, Silo Anti-overfill Systems, Cartridge Pulse Silo Dust Collectors, Screw Conveyors for Cement and Flyash, Drop-through Rotary Valves, Slide Valves, Pressure Relief Valves, Pinch Valves and more!

Ticket Delivery Air-Lift Systems
Ticket Delivery Air-Lift Systems allow quick delivery of the ticket from the scale to the control house reducing labor costs in rock quarries, asphalt plants, and concrete plants. These systems allow the driver to stay in his truck, keep him out of the control house, and help him get back on the road quickly without wasting time. Experience in the field proves that the Ticket Delivery Air-Lift System can save two to three minutes for each truck that goes through the yard. These systems are manufactured from heavy steel for reliability and durability and may be configured for narrow/tall areas and for more compact areas as well.

Jamieson Equipment Company offers a wide variety of Butterfly Valves, Pulse Jet Diaphragm Valves, Diverter Valves, Pinch, Pressure Relief Valves, Quick Exhaust Valves, Rotary Valves, Safety Valves, Slide Gate Valves, Solenoid Valves. /Asset/valves main image 2.png

Water Meters, Water Heaters/Chillers, Steam Generators and Pumps
/Asset/Kemco TE 100 water heater image 2.jpg
BatchMaster® Mixer Systems
The High Volume Leader.Start with the right mixer. And build from there.
If you're a high volume concrete products producer, you depend on your batch plant to set the pace. Only one batch plant measures up: BatchMaster® from Mixer Systems. BatchMaster® is our top-of-the-line plant, capable of producing up to 250 yards per hour. Configure BatchMaster® to your exact specifications, beginning with our legendary mixers. Behind every BatchMaster® are more than 30 years of experience in batch plant design, manufacturing and construction. No matter what the production challenge, BatchMaster® takes charge. /Asset/BatchMaster--Mixer-Systems.jpg

EconoBatch™ Mixer Systems
Compact Plant, Full-size Performance.Designed from the ground up for the way you operate.
You produce medium volume concrete batches. But you still want a high-performing plant. Look no further than EconoBatch™. With capacities up to 48 yards/hour, it’s ideal for a wide range of applications. It can handle up to six aggregates and two cements, and produce consistently high quality wet or dry mixes. Its flexible design means it can be built to your specifications and expanded as you grow. And its economical cost enables you to become profitable quickly. No other plant in its class meets your needs so fully. /Asset/EconoBatch-3.jpg

One-Piece Skid Mounted Batch Plants
(3) Quick & Easy Installation - Pre-Plumbed, Pre-Wired & Shop Tested /Asset/One-Piece-Skid-Mounted-Batch-Plant.jpg
Two-Piece Skid Mounted Batch Plants
Quick & Easy Installation - Pre-Plumbed, Pre-Wired & Shop Tested /Asset/Two-Piece-Skid-Mounted-Batch-Plant.jpg
(4) Standley Batch custom conveying systems can include truss and channel frame conveyors, aggregate distributors, skip hoists and complete advanced aggregate distribution systems. /Asset/FLEXWALL-CONVEYORS.jpg
Cement and Fly Ash Silos
(63) Complete Material Handling SystemsStandley Cement and Fly Ash Silos are highly efficient and cost-effective storage systems that readily adapt to your operation. Whether concrete block, ready-mix, pipe, or precast, we make a silo that best suits your needs. /Asset/Standley_Cement_and_Fly_Ash_Silos-1.png

SHIELD Lite Silo Protection Systems
Preventing Silo Over-PressurizationThe SHIELD Lite silo protection system is designed to provide control and test functions to prevent silo over-pressurization and filter blinding during a tanker delivery. The system can work with one or two level probes of different lengths; these can be Hycontrol level probes which have a built-in GLT, or from an alternative manufacturer providing it is compatible with the SHIELD Lite system. /Asset/SHIELD-LITE-SPS-UNIT.jpg

Custom Batch Plant and Material Handling Solutions
995 & Sure Speed 2.0 Parts
(23)Sure Speed 2.0 advanced electric motor vibrator
The computer controlled Sure Speed 2.0 motor automatically
maintains vibrator head speed in varying mix conditions. The Sure
Speed 2.0 produces uniform and repeatable vibration-every time. Its
lightweight, ergonomic design minimizes labor hours and fatigue
and a soft-start brush design provides increased brush life.
• Adapts to slump automatically and controls motor output
for great results
• Requires less power consumption – uses only the energy
necessary for job completion
995 rugged electric motor vibrator
The 995 electric motor vibrator builds on the legacy of the rugged
and reliable 994. The more durable 995 is designed to incorporate
the latest features from our Sure Speed line, including a rugged
molded motor enclosure, durable electric switch and easy-to-service
motor brushes.
Sure Speed 2.0 and 995 electric motor vibrators
• Drive any head and shaft combination – one motor for all
your consolidation needs
• Compatible with all prior heads and shafts
• Conform to current UL and OSHA regulations for safety