The ALAR Auto-Vac® is a rotary vacuum drum precoat filter that effectively removes solid particles from the sludge, producing dewatered dry waste. Typically, this waste is disposed of at a local landfill without further drying. The Auto-Vac® is self-cleaning with every revolution, which prevents blinding or clogging, and provides rapid filtration and extremely high filtrate clarity.
Easy Installation:
The ALAR Auto-Vac® filtering system is skid mounted, pre-piped and pre-wired for easy installation. It is offered both with semi-automatic and automatic modes of operation. This design works with virtually any industrial waste.
Auto-Vac® Features:
• 16 Filter Sizes
• Reduced Hauling Costs
• Easy Operation
• Absolute Microfiltration
• Quality Water & Dry Solids
• Environmental & Economical Solutions
Custom Built to Serve a Variety of Industries: Concrete, Flexographic Printing, Food & Dairy, Grease & Septic, Metal Finishing, Paint & Coatings, Other Industries Served
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Muddog SlurryDry™
Muddog SlurryDry™ products are used for the solidification and stabilization of waste slurry and other fluids produced from concrete-related applications.
These products are designed to create solids to pass the Paint Filter Liquids Test (PFLT) and the Toxicity Characteristic Leaching Procedure (TCLP) for heavy metals. SlurryDry™ is a fast and easy way to solidify heavy concrete slurry sludge for jobsite disposal.
Features & Benefits:
• Replaces high-collection, handling, hauling and disposal costs
• Protects from environmental fines
• Treats water washed out from concrete trucks
• Various sizes of aggregates
• Economical disposal solutions
• Ensures compliance
• Part of the National Ready Mix Concrete Association (NRMC)
Industries Served:
• Ready-Mix & Precast
• Concrete Sawing & Drilling
• Concrete & Terrazzo Floor Polishing
• Eliminates Dump Fees and Sludge Haulers
• Hydro Demolition
Contact us for a FREE sample!

Muddog SlurrySep™
SlurrySep is a reactive separating agent removing emulsified oil's heavy metals phosphates and suspended concrete solids from wastewater through flocculation, precipitation, and pH adjustment. Unlike conventional wastewater treatment systems that require multiple chemical additions to help the process, SlurrySep is applied in a single application. SlurrySep proprietary blend of separating agents activate and react in a predetermined sequence to effectively remove wastewater contaminants.
SlurrySep is composed of minerals, inorganic and organic acids and bases and catatonic polymers. SlurrySep is produced in 30 different powder formulations for various wastewater applications. Seven of the formulations are also available in granular form.
Wastewater treatment with SlurrySep takes only minutes, yet several complex chemical reactions occur. First, the acidic component of the SlurrySep causes oily contaminants to coalesce and separate from the wastewater. Next, the polarimetric catatonic portion of the formulation attracks any remaining oils and larger more highly charged anions. Finally, the basic component activates, precipitating metallic hydroxides and driving the system to a fully flocculated condition where the catatonic polymer molecules metallic ions and positively charged contaminants are attracted to the SlurrySep clay particles. Heavy-metal cations remain in the solution will exchange with the sodium on the clay and will bond to the clay platelets by electrostatic forces. The polar reactive mass is a complex mixture of encapsulated contaminants and waste solids held together by Van der Waals weak forces, as well as electrostatic strong forces. The clay particles agglomerate, entrapping and surrounding suspended solids completely. Pozzolanic reaction also occurs forming cementitious particles which settled to the bottom of the vessel. The entire microencapsulation process is complete in just minutes, leaving clear and in most cases so sewer ready water.
At this point the flocculated and solidified waste sludge is often non-leachable. Contaminants are surrounded by a barrier of clay particles and Unavailable to external leaching fluids. TCLP test results typically confirm that the treatment process is permanently isolated the contaminants in a non-leachable form.
SlurrySep products are Packaged in 50 pound water resistant bags which are palletized and stretchwrap.
Features & Benefits:
• Replaces high collection, handling, hauling and disposal costs
• Protects from environmental fines
• Rapid separation of suspended concrete fines in water allowing recycling of water or compliant disposal
Industries Served:
• Ready-Mix & Precast
• Pre-Stressed Concrete Washout
• Highway & Airport Grinding
• Concrete Sawing & Drilling
• Stone, Granite & Brick Veneer
• Hydro Demolition
How It Works
1. Chemical components of the SlurrySep adjust the pH of the water which enhances the precipitation of metals and breaks
oil emulsions.
2. Bentonite clay particles attract and encapsulate precipitated metallic ions.
3. The polymeric portion of the formulation attracts remaining oils and suspended solids and forms a floc, which settles to
the bottom of the treatment vessel.
4. The bentonite clay and polymer work together to create a strong filterable floc, which will encapsulate and contain heavy
metals while allowing the floc to readily release water resulting in a condensed thickened sludge like material.
5. The entire process is completed in just a few minutes, resulting in clear water that can be discharged directly to a POTW
or recycled.
6. The remaining sludge and its encapsulated contaminants are highly resistant to leaching and is prepared to be solidified
for compliant landfill disposal.
You may add Muddog SlurryDry™ to the remaining thickened sludge material to dehydrate the remaining moisture and
creating a safe material for standard disposal that meets the requirements for the EPA 9095B Paint Filter Test for adequate
moisture levels. SlurryDry’s main ingredient is EPA compliant as an acceptable non-biodegradable sorbent. SlurryDry adds
further encapsulation of contaminants and is highly resistant to leaching providing a cost effective method of safe disposal.
Contact us for a FREE SAMPLE!
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WATERDOG Automatic Water Shut-Off
You know this problem. You see it every day. Drivers overfilling their water tanks, leaving the mess in your yard. And dragging it out onto the public roadways.
Don’t forget about the expense of it all Wasted city water is paid for by the gallon. Wasted well water adds costs due to excess wear and tear on pumps and plumbing, causing premature failure and added maintenance costs.
You need the WATERDOG Automatic Shut-off from BFK Technologies. It’s the answer to your costly overflow problems. With more and more environmental issues facing you, doesn’t it make sense to conserve your fresh water and minimize run-off?
The WATERDOG Saves On:
• City Water expenses
• Well maintenance costs
• Heated winter water
• Chilled summer water
The Model A is for use in plants with existing electrical controls, such as a pump start/stop station, or solenoid valve on/off.
• (1) Nozzle assembly, 1-1/4” or 2”
• (1) Model A Control Box with Pressure Switch
• (1) 20’ Length Air-line, 1/4” Cable ties & Hose Clamps
Note: Ties into customers existing Start/Stop station.
The Model B is for use in plants where no existing electrical controls currently exist, such as opening/closing a hand valve.
• (1) Nozzle assembly, 1-1/4” or 2”
• (1) Model B Control Box with Pressure Switch
• (1) 20’ Length Air-line, 1/4” Cable ties & Hose Clamps
Note: Requires a solenoid valve, sold separately.
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