Check Rite - Rite Sized Check Valves
Ritepro’s Bray/Rite wafer combination swing check valves are flow activated and Rite Sized. Bray/Rite inlet ports and disc have been shape optimized to achieve a fully open position at low flow rates (3 ft/s on average). Therefore, the Bray/Rite operates exceptionally well in the flow rates typically found in pipelines containing control valves and lines with varying media flows.
Compare the Bray/Rite to typical full-sized swing check valves. Due in part to their oversized, heavier discs, these valves only fully open at an average flow rate of 11 ft/s. When activated at a lower flow rate, these valves loose true controllability and do not fully open. A partially open disc creates an obstruction that produces a higher pressure drop and fluttering of the valve disc - disturbing the flow and increasing the chance of water hammer.
Bray/Rite is Rite Sized to eliminate these problems. It has been engineered to accelerate line media through the valve and achieve a virtually unobstructed full opening in low pressure. Rite Sized, combined with the limited movement of internal parts during operation, reduces wear – enhancing the long service life of a Bray/Rite valve.
Check Rite valves, either resilient or metal seated, offer zero leakage in all pressure classifications. Each valve is hydrostatically tested at the factory and shipped with a certificate of compliance to MSS SP61. Ritepro has achieved zero leakage metal-to-metal sealing by a proven, engineered design backed by high quality manufacturing craftsmanship. As the disc closes toward the seat, the increased velocity of the line media and the unique shape of our seat removes all particles from the sealing surfaces.
Low Pressure Drops
The low pressure drop of the Check Rite valve was achieved by Ritepro’s many years of research and development in combination with universities and federal research agencies. Several theses and papers were published including minimizing the pressure loss of wafer type swing check valve ASME 79/MA-NE-5. These results – primarily the optimum valve diameter and elliptical inlet shape have been incorporated into the Check Rite design. Like a venturi, the aerodynamic shape accelerates the line media through the valve with the lowest possible pressure drop. Pressure drops at the full open position are between 0.5 to 0.7 psi for all size valves. Additionally, the disc shape and mass have been optimized to use the pipeline media flow as a lifting force on the disc, thus allowing a full open valve position in low line velocity.
High Flow Capacity
Check Rite’s valve inlet elliptical shape and optimum diameter, plus its virtually unobstructed opening combine to produce a substantially higher flow capacity (Cv) than other wafer combination swing check valves.
Reduced Water Hammer
An additional focus of Ritepro’s R&D program was linked to water hammer prediction. Findings were applied in the design of the valve to largely reduce or eliminate water hammer by closing the valve at the right moment (before reverse flow occurs). The Check Rite uses gravity, assisted by an internal spring, to pull the disc toward the closed position on decelerating line media flow. Ritepro has developed proprietary predictive software to select the best solution for your specific application.
Bray/Rite Seats have zero leakage shutoff, even at 0 psi, is achieved through lapped metal seating surfaces. The seat and the disc edges are precisely machined then hand polished for a perfect fit. The disc hinge provides an even force at the disc to seat contact point, ensuring a uniform seal. Controlled tolerances maintain the proper disc to seat alignment. The spring assisted closure tension holds the disc in place when line pressure is removed.
Resilient Seats
A dynamic, O-ring seat is contained in a specially designed body groove. As line pressure is applied, the valve disc uniformly compresses the seat into the groove ensuring a zero leakage seal. The seat is easily replaced, simplifying maintenance.
Metal-to-Metal Seats
Integral metal seats feature an engineered and precision machined angle that minimizes the metal-to-metal contact point between the disc and seat for a perfect seal. Pressure is applied evenly over the disc, eliminating galling and reducing wear.
Metal Seat Insert
Carbon steel and ductile iron bodies have a stainless steel seat inserted into the body seal area, offering the same precision design as the integral metal-to-metal seat. These bodies are also available with a resilient seat insert.
Inherently Fire Safe
All Bray/Rite valves are inherently fire safe due to the valve design, materials and construction. In the event of a pipeline fire, both resilient seated and metal seated valves provide metal-to-metal contact between the seat and disc and surpass all leak test standards.
• Models: 201, 203, 205, 210, 212, 312, 260, 211
• Size Range: 1" - 60" (25mm - 1500mm)
• Pressure Ratings: PN10, ASME 125 lb, ASME 150 lb, PN 16, PN 25, ASME 300 lb, PN 40
• Body Materials: ASTM A 126 CLB, ASTM A 395, ASTM A 216 WCB, ASTM A 351 CF8M, Titanium
• Seats: BUNA-N, EPDM, A240 - 304 (Inserted or Integral) ***, PFTE, Viton
• Spacers: PTFE (Standard on 1" - 12" Cast Iron Bodies), A479 - 316
• Applications: Reduction of Water Hammer