Evolution Wrap-Around Blade Liners
Wrap-around blade liners prevent concrete migration underneath the liner and eliminate the need for steel flat bar edge protection. Available for all major mixer manufacturers' drums and made with the same Kryptane® polyurethane as the Evolution liner.
• Prevents concrete migration underneath the liner
• Eliminates the need for steel flat bar edge protection
• Less concrete build-up means the drum is easier to clean
• Significantly longer wear life
• Less installation labor vs. current, nonwrapping design
• Increased wear life on blade tips
• If the edge tip wears out, you can replace just that piece instead of the entire blade liner
• Available for all major mixer manufacturers’ drums
• Custom liners also available
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Kryptane Evolution Mixer Drum Liners
The Evolution mixer drum liner features Argonics' unique Kryptane formula and uses more weld plates along the edges to reduce concrete penetration under the liner. Weld plates are securely anchored in the liner, ensuring a secure liner fit.
• Guaranteed 100% not to delaminate
• Unique Kryptane® formula and manufacturing process
• Improved weld plate-to-urethane bonding
• Five year or one million yard warranty
• Originators of the Snap-Tite™ plug and weld-in liner
• The largest selection of liner sets on the market
• Established record of excellent performance
• Better than industry average lead times
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