Hydraulic Flow Lab
The focal point of Badger Meter's innovation center is the hydro lab. Stainless steel tanks, which range in size from 12 to 12,000 gallons, measure water for tests as low as 1/16 of a gallon of water per minute up to 12,000 gallons of water per minute.
The lab includes pumping systems, pressure tanks and a weir tower, enabling engineers to effectively duplicate the water sources found in residential, commercial and industrial applications. Numerous tests are conducted in the hydro lab to verify the precision of products in the design stage and to audit manufactured products throughout the product life. The highly automated labs use programmable controllers to manage the tests and personal computers for data collection.
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Recycled Water Systems
Process Water, Waste Water, Recycled Water, and Gray Water are terms used interchangeably in the Ready Mix Concrete Industry. Management of water is a major process, not only the storage of the water but the heating and cooling of recycled water prior to its introduction back into the mix or use in other applications.
Now available for ready mix producers is the Pearson RW Storage Tank for heating/cooling recycled water - the first low-maintenance, high-efficiency method of preheating, precooling and storing recycled water before it is introduced back into the mix. Boosting output while cutting labor, equipment, and overall production costs, the RW Storage Tank series comprises a self-contained recycled water-temperature control system that provides cost-effective process water management year round.
• Vertical design frees up storage space
• Segregating the recycled water eliminates the maintenance problems associated with circulating this water through a heater or a chiller
• External steel jacketing to maintain a constant content temperature
• Vessels have no internal components which minimizes the maintenance factor so common with other types of systems
• A combination stainless steel supply and recirculating pump
• An eductor nozzle that agitates contents to prevent solids buildup on the tank bottom
• All vessels are completely insulated and weatherproofed and include a 30" diameter side and 24" top man-way
• Tanks are heated with hot water or low-pressure steam and cooled with chilled water
• Available in capacities from 5,000 gallons to 30,000 gallons
• Optional PH Control System available
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Wastewater Heat Recovery System
KEMCO’S wastewater heat recovery system captures the heat from the process wastewater to pre-heat incoming fresh water. For example, if the temperature of incoming fresh water is as low as 60ºF, a Kemco Heat Recovery system can effectively preheat that water to within 5ºF of the dirty wastewater stream recovering up to 60% of the water heating energy required.
• Never Requires Disassembly
• Guaranteed Not To Plug or Clog
• Stainless Steel Construction
• No Prefilter Requirements
• Compact & Flexible
• Expect a 12 to 24 month return on your investment with a Kemco Heat Reclaimer.

Wastewater Treatment System
• Lower Initial Equipment Cost
• Save On Operating Costs
• Less Sludge Produced
• Significant Improvement In Contaminant Removal vs. DAF Systems
• Requires Less Maintenance
• Smaller Footprint
• Reduce Or Eliminate Chemical Usage
• Eliminate Surcharges, Meet Compliance
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