Vacuum Filtration
We offer filtration solutions for the complete assortment of vacuum pump equipment found in solar manufacturing processes. Inherent in these processes are a range of filtration challenges from capturing abrasive dust particles to managing pyrophoric or hazardous materials.
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Liquid Removal Vacuum Pump Filters
Solberg offers a variety of solutions to remove potentially harmful liquid, sludge, and particulate from the inlet of a vacuum pump. The LRS and SRS Series is an integrated liquid separator and inlet vacuum filter. This solution simplifies vacuum packages, combines two functions into one and can be configured to meet your needs. For those that needed a compact liquid separator only the STS Series is designed for you. The STS Series is a liquid separator with a see-through housings that makes visual inspections possible while knocking out potentially harmful liquid and sludge.
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Hydraulic Breathers
These heavy duty and severe duty particulate filters utilize high efficiency polyester elements. The filter elements can withstand oil and are washable. Find out more about how these filters can be configured to meet your needs.
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Vacuum Filters for Medical Applications
HV Series: This inlet vacuum filter is designed to removal liquids, solids and sub-micron particles from damaging vacuum pumps and it protects the work environment from harmful contaminates. It is available as a stand alone filter or as a vacuum filter system (HVS Series) with floor, wall and ceiling configurations.
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Extreme Duty: Inlet SpinMeister Filters
SM Series Inlet Filters: For those extreme duty applications with highly dirty environments, the SpinMeister Inlet Filter Assemblies was designed for you. This two stage system has an initial stage precleaner to remove the larger particles and then a primary stage filter element. The SpinMeister Series increases the life of the filter element and reduces your costs and potential downtime
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Extreme Duty: Vacuum Pump Filters
SpinMeister Inlet Vacuum Pump Filters: The SpinMeister used in conjuction with Solberg's ST or CT Series is for those extreme duty applications with highly dirty environments. This two stage system has an initial stage precleaner to remove the larger particles and then a primary stage filter element. The SpinMeister Series increases the life of the filter element and reduces your costs and potential downtime.
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Natural Gas Separators
Scrubber assemblies are used to protect gas compressors from fine particulate and condensate. Solberg provides both vessels and filter elements for these applications. Micron efficiencies vary dependant on the contaminants present in the gas stream. Without proper filtration, compressor performance is reduced. Solberg customizes our solutions to match the specific conditions. More information coming soon. Contact Solberg for availability
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ATEX Filters
Statistics show that filters are involved in the second highest percentage of dust explosions that occur in industrial applications. Solberg offers ATEX certified filters and elements for safety, explosion prevention and environmental protection. ATEX is an European directive to eliminate the possibility of explosions related to equipment used in potentially explosive gasious or dusty environments. More information coming soon. Contact Solberg for availability
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