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Probe Assemblies

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Binmaster level indication probes

Binmaster level indication probes

BinMaster Logo

Shielded, Delrin Sleeved Probes


Extended Shield, Delrin Sleeved Probes


Capacitance Probe Mounting Flanges


Binmaster level indication probes

BinMaster Logo

BinMaster Logo



PRO Remote Cable


Capacitance Probe Lags & Heat Shields


BinMaster Logo

Binmaster level indication probes

Binmaster level indication probes

Custom PROCAP 3A Sanitary


Shielded, Teflon Sleeved Probes


Extended Shield, Teflon Sleeved Probes

Binmaster level indication probes

Binmaster level indication probes

PROCAP I & II Probes

Unshielded, Delrin Sleeved Probes


Unshielded, Teflon Sleeved Probes


Shielded, Bare Stainless Steel


Binmaster level indication probes

Capacitance Flexible Cable Unit

Bendable Capacitance Probe

Unshielded, Bare Stainless Steel Probes


Hanging Flexible Cable Probes


Unshielded, Bendable Teflon Coated & Bare Probe


Binmaster level indication probes

Binmaster level indication probes

Compact Pro Capacitance Probe

Miscellaneous Probes


Extended Shield, Delrin Sleeved 3-A / USDA Probes


Compact Pro Capacitance Probe


PROCAP Flush Mount Capacitance Probe

Pro Remote

Binmaster level indication probes

PROCAP Series Standard Flush Mount Capacitance Probes


Pro Remote Capacitance Probe with Remote Electronics


Unshielded, Delrin Sleeved 3-A / USDA Probes


Binmaster level indication probes

Shielded, Delrin Sleeved 3-A / USDA Probes
